Thursday, 24 May 2012

Day 43: Here Comes The Sun

Smiling and saying cheese: 86%( Elastics still on so I'm staying put!)

Ready for the Sunshine

Pain: 6% (No issue really))

Weight: 12 stone 9lb or 177lb
Weight loss at the minute: 4lb (Hanging in there)

Hard food I would love to chew today: Something different for lunch maybe! See below.

Hi again! Over 6 weeks from my surgery and I'm doing better than I ever imagined. I'm back to full time work and feeling as fit at work as I ever did. When I get out of breathe at work, I do make a funny 'sucking in air through closed teeth' noise but that's about it. Also lunches are a problem. For the last eight working days I have had chicken, chips, peas, onions and gravy from whatever fish and chip shop has been nearest me at that time.

As I can only take my elastics off once while I am at work, I have decided that this meal fills me up the most and keeps me working longer. Obviously I don't want this to be a long term habit so from next week I may have to plan my lunches a little better. Any ideas of what I can take to eat that doesn't have to be chewed and that will taste nice and fill me up.

Anyway, I know it has been an extremely long time from I updated you on my progress. I know you have all been waiting so eagerly for this moment. By the way it is over 22 degrees in Belfast this week. It is fantastic. I work outdoors 8 hours a day and am loving this sunshine. Unfortunately as we are not used to sunshine in Belfast it does bring out the worst in people. Here are some examples.

Young men who think they have a upper torso in the same category as Vin Diesel feel the need to strip off their t shirts to expose a rather slim, skinny, pale white build that resembles a pint of milk. Some ladies are not any better by showing off their pale white legs accompanied with stringy vest tops which can be pulled off by some 'California Girls' but in most instances, unfortunately not in Belfast. Harsh, I know.

Back to my teeth. First I am leading a completely normal life, very little pain and the only issues are that my teeth are still wired closed and have a numb chin and lower lip. I did have an appointment with my orthodontist yesterday which marked six weeks from surgery. He had a quick look and said everything looks great and that he won't have to do much adjustment to my braces as my teeth are sitting in a great position. Rock on Surgeon! Good job by her. Next he said that although it was six weeks, he told me to keep my elastics on until I see my surgeon next Thursday which I hope will be the day that I'm told I can keep them off for longer.

Elastics are fine, and just like braces you soon forget your wearing them. I even sat down to eat dinner one night and realised as I went to take a forkful of my food that I still had my elastics on. Crazy, I now. Well that's it folks.... now where did I leave my sandals, shorts and white socks......Oh there they are! A very true reality in the Emerald Isle!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Day 30: Complan in Abundance

Smiling and saying cheese: 86%( I'm feeling good but elastics are here to stay for a while so I can't go much higher

Yes, I am that excited!!!

Pain: 10% Still minimal pain)

Weight: 12 stone 9lb or 177lb
Weight loss at the minute: 4lb (Getting there slowly, I think)

Hard food I would love to chew today: I bought 'bite size' weetabix and tried them for breakfast as I thought it would be easier to swallow. Mistake! Unlike regular sized weetabix these bite sized bad boys seem to be coated in a varnish type coating which makes them extremely hard to break down using the roof of my mouth and my tongue. It took them ages to turn into that weetabix mush which I know so many of you enjoy

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I am getting very bad at updating my blog but I have a fun filled, action packed edge of your seat post for you today. Actually I don't but here goes. Why have I not updated? Well as I said last week, I don't really have much to update you on. I feel pretty much the same as I did last week. I still have a numb chin, lower lip and gums. I have little swelling and my jaw occasionally aches which is accompanied by a sore head. I am living a completely normal life again just like before surgery.

Just in case you didn't see the first photo!
 The only difference is is that my mouth is completely closed with elastics all day and night except for three times a day when I take them off to eat. When I have them on throughout the day I forget about them. I suppose if I didn't have elastics on, my mouth would be closed anyway so this doesn't bother me at all. I am back to work full time and feel fine working. I don't feel weak or overly tired but I do miss having a mid morning break of something to eat.

As I'm only taking my elastics off three times a day I take them off for breakfast, lunch and dinner which doesn't leave room for a break time snack. I'm still using a baby toothbrush. I tried my normal sized toothbrush but it felt like I was brushing with a salon style hairbrush so I reverted back to my little friend.  My long overdue 'Complan' arrived from the pharmacy this week. I think they gave me too much as there is enough to feed (or quench the thirst of) a small army. Don't believe me.... check out my photo please. In each box there are 4 sachets. One box costs over £4.oo. Thank you NHS and free prescriptions. I'm selling them to you for £3 per box or two boxes for £5. Go on. Hello to my new reader from Argentina. I love your flag colours of baby blue and white.

On Wednesday I had an appointment with my Orthodontist. It was straight forward and went as followed:

After a quick look at my teeth with the elastics still on, my orthodontist showed a junior dentist around my mouth explaining to him that my bite was now great as there was a good overlap and that my teeth lined up quite well. This was good to hear. He noticed that my 'bands' were loose. No, not my elastic bands as you are currently presuming. These 'bands' are metal bands which go around my back teeth. They are like little rings which slot over the back molars, I think those teeth are called that. Anyway they were loose which required them being 'recemented' on which isn't a big deal. As a veteran of all things teeth, I have had this done

That was it, it felt like a regular check up and I have another one in a few weeks.  He said six weeks is the magic number. I don't think it's magic but I think he meant that if I get to six weeks then chances of relapse are slimmer and bone healing is well under way. Less than two weeks to go then. I still have nearly three weeks until I see my surgeon again which is frustrating as it means that my elastics are on until at least then but I will manage.

Finally before I leave, it's funny how my priorities have changed. Week one and two post op, a lot of my time was taken up with all things jaw surgery which included blogs, forums, you tube and generally managing to cope and adjust to the challenges of jaw surgery. Now at week four, I'm back to work and busy life and don't think as much about it. I guess it is a good thing as I am recovering well and getting on with life without letting my elasticated teeth annoy me too much. That's all folks! Well for today at least.

    Tuesday, 8 May 2012

    Day 27: I Have Returned!

    Smiling and saying cheese: 85% (Once I get these elastics off for good, braces off and can chew food I will be 100%, but until then I have to contain my excitement with a 85%)
    Ha ha, spiky hair just to annoy Ashleigh!

    Pain: 10% (Last 10%, no tablets today, still sore head sometimes and my jaw aches occasionally)

    Weight: 12 stone 10lb or 178lb
    Weight loss at the minute: 3lb (I have to say I have had two big meals today before I got on the scales so take this reading with a pinch of salt. I'm up and down like a yo yo, but I am quite sure I will not die of weight loss)

    Hard food I would love to chew today: I am eating (or swallowing without chewing) anything I want and nothing really comes to mind. I suppose I would love a bar of chocolate which I could bite into!

    Long time, no post. I know I'm very sorry. I realise that you rely on these posts to get you through the day but doesn't absence make the heart grow fonder. I can't believe its been 5 days from my last post and guess what it's four weeks post op tomorrow and I'm super happy how well I am recovering. I did have an excuse for my lack of posts which is... that I was away for the weekend in the beautiful West Coast of Ireland. Check it out my American readers. Come and discover your Irish roots. Did you know there are more Irish in the USA than in Ireland?

    After a 400 mile round trip, I can safely say that I'm back driving. We had a great time, I was able to eat three times a day when I took my elastics off. I ate out for the first time since surgery. We had our Sunday lunch in a hotel and this is how I accomplished it. I took my elastics off in the car before entering the hotel. I thought this was a good idea because I didn't want to order my lunch with a mouthful of elastics. Can you imagine what the waiter would be thinking?.....No you can't imagine. Well he would be wondering how I was going to eat that roast beef with my mouth tied shut.

    Anyway after receiving my meal, armed with many tissues and a little discreet 'make up mirror' which I placed on the table angled so I could see my mouth I proceeded to swallow a full dinner. Result! I can open my mouth a little wider now which means I don't look like a baby eating with lips and cheeks covered in mashed up food. I am starting to eat like a big boy again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to going surfing this weekend while away which I always do. I didn't think surfing with my jaw hanging together by a few metal plates and some elastics was a great idea but fear not, I will be back in the water this summer, surfing while the sun sets beyond the horizon. There wasn't any waves this weekend which was good as I didn't feel I was missing out.

    Back to my symptoms. Little pain, chin and lip still numb though the area of numbness may be getting smaller. I still have one cheek (face) bigger than the other. I hope this is due to swelling. Either that or my surgeon has given me a wonky jaw. I hope it is the swelling. I have also retired most of my friends. Blender is in the cupboard, sippy cup also though I can't find the lid. Baby spoons are no longer needed as I can use a knife and fork. Vaseline still required as I can't lick my lips and tissues are also not required as often. Mirror is still needed for eating as I try to fit too much food in at once in which case the mirror becomes handy.

    Good job Ashleigh!
    These little happy macarons were tested by me last night. Ashleigh's first attepts at macarons and they tasted good. Raspberry and white chocolate which melted in my mouth which is a good thing, due to the whole lack of chewing.

    I am feeling a lot more normal these days. I have an appointment with my Orthodontist tomorrow. I'm not sure what will be done tomorrow but I will let you all know. I know, I can't wait either. Back to work today again which was great. Well it's good to post again and will do so soon.

    Thursday, 3 May 2012

    Day 22: Slug Lips

    Smiling and saying cheese: 75% (After another successful rendezvous with my surgeon, I can't help but smile)
    Loving the sepia, right?  And my huge lips, wrong?

    Pain: 15% (No pain, no gain, thankfully there is minimal pain)

    Weight: 12 stone 6lb or 174 lb
    Weight loss at the minute: 7lb (Back down today but now that I can take my elastics off to eat there is no stopping me (evil laugh)
    Hard food I would love  to chew today: I can now officially eat any soft food I want, that includes pancakes, mmmm pancakes. As long as they are cut up so I can swallow without chewing, the world is my oyster, well maybe not oysters as I don't like them. So I have changed this to hard food I would love to chew. Today's is a 'Cadbury's Easter Egg' OK you don't have to chew it but you do have to bite into it!

    I see's glorious! Blue skies here in Belfast were it does not rain every day as is thought through out the world. Come and visit, my Russian readers. It is a soaring 17 degrees C here today. As you may have guessed I am in a good mood today and not just because it is a lovely sunshine day, but because I have just returned from a successful appointment with my surgeon.

    It lasted a full four minutes and here's what happened:

    • She asked how I was doing while she pinged off my elastics.
    • She got me to open and close a few times while she watched my bite. This was not a strange feeling as before, because I have been opening my mouth daily. She was very happy with everything.
    • She put her finger in behind my lower teeth and pushed down on my jaw. I think she was checking to see if my jaw would fall off. It didn't though, so she seemed content.
    • She didn't put any elastics back on. I'll repeat that...SHE DIDN'T PUT any elastics back on. She said I could wait until I got home and then I would need to put them on again. She wants them on most of the time because of me having to get the op twice. She wants the bone to heal well. She said not to open my mouth further than it wants to and that it will be a gradual build up over time

    So my new orders are....that I may take my elastics off when I'm eating but once I've finished I must put them back on for most of the day. I will be taking them off three times a day. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and I will fill my face, as the saying goes. That's exactly what I did when I got home. I had a milkshake, lasagna, coleslaw and cheese and a small pot of trifle. I then took my mugshot that you see above outside in our beautiful sunshine and then cleaned my teeth and re banded. I see my surgeon in four weeks. She said three weeks but thanks to our NHS waiting times, three weeks means four weeks.

    I have kept a blog for over 22 days and will continue to do so. In the hope of not boring my loyal readers....tumbleweed.... I think I will not do a post every day. As I am now over the first three weeks, my recovery has slowed down in the sense that there is not much more new information to tell you each day. So, I will probably do a post every few days when something amazing in my life happens like retiring my blender which I believe I can now do. Thank you my faithful servant.

    So if I do not post everyday, do not worry I have not died, I am just gathering new material for this blog. I will keep it updated as I have another orthodontic appointment next week. Of course if there is a mass protest from you readers that you cannot live without a daily post, I will reconsider. This is not Good Bye, it's see you later, or maybe see you tomorrow, if I have time.

    My surgeon said that my swelling was looking good, though I have noticed that my lips look huge. Now if I were a woman, I would be delighted and probably there are many women out there who would pay top dollar for lips like these, but I'm not so sure how great they look on me. Hopefully they will reduce in size as I don't want to be accused of using 'plump up lip gloss' which makes your lips look bigger. You can buy this product in 'Sephora' in the USA. It's a make up shop and it doesn't matter how I know that.

    Lastly, when I lick the inside of my lower lip with my tongue (which I haven't did in so long as my teeth have been closed) it is the strangest feeling. It feels like I'm licking a slug. I haven't licked a slug before but that's what I imagine it would feel like. It feels really slimy. Maybe it's because my lip is numb but just thought you would all like to know that information. I aim to please!

    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Day 21: Three Weeks Post Op

    Smiling and saying cheese: 69% (Back to work is good)
    Lips require Vaseline!

    Pain: 17% (1 more down)

    Weight: 12 stone 8lb or 176 lb
    Weight loss at the minute: 5lb (2 more on. Maybe it was just my dinner but a good sign anyway)

    Food I would love today: I was very content with my chicken and broccoli bake. It tasted great!

    Three weeks from that face changing, diet changing and numb changing day when I got my operation.  Thankfully that day is well over me and I'm exceeding the speed limit on my road to recovery. I am really happy how far I have came since then. I've a long way to go but every day I'm doing better. Things I did today to prove my point:

    1.    I started back to work. I got on my work clothes and got out to work. I worked at half the speed that I normally do, but I took my time and got some work done. I was up ladders as usual and on my feet the whole time. I didn't feel weak or very tired but I did feel hungry. As my mouth is still completely closed, I can't eat as usual which in turn affects my energy levels.

     I was able to 'talk' to my customers who were all very understanding and it just felt great to be doing something constructive again. I think the first day is the hardest, trying to get back into a routine but thankfully I have. I have my appointment tomorrow with my surgeon so I won't work tomorrow but maybe on Friday.

    2.    I opened my mouth until it wouldn't open any further. I don't know why it wouldn't open wider but it just physically could not. Maybe there is a lack of muscle to do so. I also ate my dinner without the usual mess. Yes I did drop some over the table and I did have to wipe my lips a lot but it wasn't as messy plus I'm getting quicker at eating.

    If your reading this because your going to be going through the same process, be encouraged. In my opinion, it is a hard few weeks but that's all it is. A few weeks, then I'm guessing a few months of inconvenience out of a lifetime but already I'm happy with how I'm looking. When I take my elastics off once a day, I like how my teeth are sitting nice and straight with the proper bite. I'm already looking forward to get my braces off one day.

    It feels now that I have my operation over me that I'm looking towards the end of this process. Like I'm past half way there. I found my first consultation letter the other day and it was in September 2007. That's four and a half years ago that this whole process started. A long time but I'm glad that when I was asked, I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I think I would have regretted this opportunity if I had not have taken it.

    I'm getting used to my 'new face' which has took a while. It is still changing as the swelling goes down. I will be glad to get these elastics off and then when I smile I will actually be able to see my teeth instead of a mouthful of elastics. Shaving is much easier too. I'm guessing that I struggled so much with this because my face was so sensitive with all the swelling. That's what I think anyway. Surgeon's appointment tomorrow.... so until then my loyal readers...including my recent spike in popularity in Belgium......................mmmmmmm Belgian Chocolate!

    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Day 20: Blended Lasagna...I think not

    Smiling and saying cheese: 65% (Not as constructive as yesterday)
    A very cheesy smile and my not so used as much blender

    Pain: 18% (Sore head today so up 2%)

    Weight: 12 stone 6lb or 174 lb
    Weight loss at the minute: 7lb (Up and down...up and down)

    Food I would love today: Hey......I had 'cut up' lasagna for dinner. What more can I ask for!

    As I sit here sipping my raspberry milkshake, I'm wondering how I'm going to fill today's post. I have exhausted explaining my sleeping pattern, numbness (which is still numb), pain levels (which are minimal) and my swelling which like a wrongly made cupcake just out of the oven, is sinking and disappearing all the time.

    Not to disappoint my hoards of followers, I will produce a post for today so when my followers from Singapore wake up tomorrow morning they will be able to read my post over breakfast. I was home alone today and after my busy day yesterday I slept until 12 noon today. I'm not sure if it was because I did so much yesterday but I felt really tired this morning.

     I skipped lunch today and had two 'frubes' instead which are yogurt in a tube. I had a tin of soup set out ready to open but I just couldn't bring myself to have any more soup. Why I hear you ask! Because I now know that I can eat soft foods once a day when I take my elastics off, so I don't see the point in eating soup any more when I know I will be eating something delicious which today consisted of lasagna. Wow it tasted so good.

    My dinner equipment and food before it was mashed up
    I bought it ready made from the local fruit and veg shop, got it home, heated it in the microwave while I pinged off my elastics, took the photo you see, mashed it up and then I savoured every swallow (instead of bite). I then had pudding and custard and my apple juice. One thing I noticed was that when I gently closed my teeth on my straw, it hurts so bad. My teeth are so sensitive. Also every time I open my mouth to fit in more food there is a dull achy pain at both sides of my jaw. Normal I expect.

    Three weeks tomorrow from my operation but the recovery is going to be a long one. Not in the sense that I am lying in bed all day ill, but that my mouth is closed 99% of the time and that I can't open it very wide, can't chew and can't bite down on even a straw without it hurting. How long until I can eat normally? I'm guessing a few more months. O look at that! I just filled another days post. See you tomorrow!