Smiling and saying cheese: 86%( I'm feeling good but elastics are here to stay for a while so I can't go much higher
Weight loss at the minute: 4lb (Getting there slowly, I think)
Hard food I would love to chew today: I bought 'bite size' weetabix and tried them for breakfast as I thought it would be easier to swallow. Mistake! Unlike regular sized weetabix these bite sized bad boys seem to be coated in a varnish type coating which makes them extremely hard to break down using the roof of my mouth and my tongue. It took them ages to turn into that weetabix mush which I know so many of you enjoy
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I am getting very bad at updating my blog but I have a fun filled, action packed edge of your seat post for you today. Actually I don't but here goes. Why have I not updated? Well as I said last week, I don't really have much to update you on. I feel pretty much the same as I did last week. I still have a numb chin, lower lip and gums. I have little swelling and my jaw occasionally aches which is accompanied by a sore head. I am living a completely normal life again just like before surgery.
Just in case you didn't see the first photo! |
As I'm only taking my elastics off three times a day I take them off for breakfast, lunch and dinner which doesn't leave room for a break time snack. I'm still using a baby toothbrush. I tried my normal sized toothbrush but it felt like I was brushing with a salon style hairbrush so I reverted back to my little friend. My long overdue 'Complan' arrived from the pharmacy this week. I think they gave me too much as there is enough to feed (or quench the thirst of) a small army. Don't believe me.... check out my photo please. In each box there are 4 sachets. One box costs over £4.oo. Thank you NHS and free prescriptions. I'm selling them to you for £3 per box or two boxes for £5. Go on. Hello to my new reader from Argentina. I love your flag colours of baby blue and white.
On Wednesday I had an appointment with my Orthodontist. It was straight forward and went as followed:
After a quick look at my teeth with the elastics still on, my orthodontist showed a junior dentist around my mouth explaining to him that my bite was now great as there was a good overlap and that my teeth lined up quite well. This was good to hear. He noticed that my 'bands' were loose. No, not my elastic bands as you are currently presuming. These 'bands' are metal bands which go around my back teeth. They are like little rings which slot over the back molars, I think those teeth are called that. Anyway they were loose which required them being 'recemented' on which isn't a big deal. As a veteran of all things teeth, I have had this done
Finally before I leave, it's funny how my priorities have changed. Week one and two post op, a lot of my time was taken up with all things jaw surgery which included blogs, forums, you tube and generally managing to cope and adjust to the challenges of jaw surgery. Now at week four, I'm back to work and busy life and don't think as much about it. I guess it is a good thing as I am recovering well and getting on with life without letting my elasticated teeth annoy me too much. That's all folks! Well for today at least.
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