Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 27: I Have Returned!

Smiling and saying cheese: 85% (Once I get these elastics off for good, braces off and can chew food I will be 100%, but until then I have to contain my excitement with a 85%)
Ha ha, spiky hair just to annoy Ashleigh!

Pain: 10% (Last 10%, no tablets today, still sore head sometimes and my jaw aches occasionally)

Weight: 12 stone 10lb or 178lb
Weight loss at the minute: 3lb (I have to say I have had two big meals today before I got on the scales so take this reading with a pinch of salt. I'm up and down like a yo yo, but I am quite sure I will not die of weight loss)

Hard food I would love to chew today: I am eating (or swallowing without chewing) anything I want and nothing really comes to mind. I suppose I would love a bar of chocolate which I could bite into!

Long time, no post. I know I'm very sorry. I realise that you rely on these posts to get you through the day but doesn't absence make the heart grow fonder. I can't believe its been 5 days from my last post and guess what it's four weeks post op tomorrow and I'm super happy how well I am recovering. I did have an excuse for my lack of posts which is... that I was away for the weekend in the beautiful West Coast of Ireland. Check it out my American readers. Come and discover your Irish roots. Did you know there are more Irish in the USA than in Ireland?

After a 400 mile round trip, I can safely say that I'm back driving. We had a great time, I was able to eat three times a day when I took my elastics off. I ate out for the first time since surgery. We had our Sunday lunch in a hotel and this is how I accomplished it. I took my elastics off in the car before entering the hotel. I thought this was a good idea because I didn't want to order my lunch with a mouthful of elastics. Can you imagine what the waiter would be thinking?.....No you can't imagine. Well he would be wondering how I was going to eat that roast beef with my mouth tied shut.

Anyway after receiving my meal, armed with many tissues and a little discreet 'make up mirror' which I placed on the table angled so I could see my mouth I proceeded to swallow a full dinner. Result! I can open my mouth a little wider now which means I don't look like a baby eating with lips and cheeks covered in mashed up food. I am starting to eat like a big boy again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to going surfing this weekend while away which I always do. I didn't think surfing with my jaw hanging together by a few metal plates and some elastics was a great idea but fear not, I will be back in the water this summer, surfing while the sun sets beyond the horizon. There wasn't any waves this weekend which was good as I didn't feel I was missing out.

Back to my symptoms. Little pain, chin and lip still numb though the area of numbness may be getting smaller. I still have one cheek (face) bigger than the other. I hope this is due to swelling. Either that or my surgeon has given me a wonky jaw. I hope it is the swelling. I have also retired most of my friends. Blender is in the cupboard, sippy cup also though I can't find the lid. Baby spoons are no longer needed as I can use a knife and fork. Vaseline still required as I can't lick my lips and tissues are also not required as often. Mirror is still needed for eating as I try to fit too much food in at once in which case the mirror becomes handy.

Good job Ashleigh!
These little happy macarons were tested by me last night. Ashleigh's first attepts at macarons and they tasted good. Raspberry and white chocolate which melted in my mouth which is a good thing, due to the whole lack of chewing.

I am feeling a lot more normal these days. I have an appointment with my Orthodontist tomorrow. I'm not sure what will be done tomorrow but I will let you all know. I know, I can't wait either. Back to work today again which was great. Well it's good to post again and will do so soon.


  1. Hi, I am currently waiting for my date for surgery... After having my wisdome teeth removed in February I was advised that I would have to wait atleast 6 months before the Jaw op. I am so nervous about having it done and after reading your blog I am petrified of the pain!! But looking at your pics the difference already is incredible so Im sure its all worth it. How long have you been told you should wear the elastics for? Im worried about returning to work with them on as I have to teach a class daily, which includes lots of talking! I hope you continue to recover well!

    1. Hi Stacey,
      That's great your nearly ready for surgery. I waited for months after getting my wisdom tooth removed. Yes it is def worth it. The first week is the hardest then you start to get used to everything though it is only a few months of inconvience out of your whole life.

      I have to wear the elastics a little longer than other people because I had the op done twice and the surgeon wants to make sure it heals well. I take them off 3 times a day and in a few weeks when I see the surgeon again I hope I will have them off for longer.

      As for talking I can talk on the telephone with them on. I think you could take a class though it will be a little harder though you will be able to judge this after your op. Thanks for reading my blog and hope it helps. It is really worth it, the op happens all the time so don't be overly concerned. I'm 4 weeks post op and feel good.

  2. Hi Johnny

    Thank you so much. Reading all of your uploads has helped prepare me so much. Im still very nervous but atleast now I wont wake up with the shock of whats to come.
    I hope you continue to heal well!
    Stacey x
