Yes first photo without elastics on...well just for ten minutes |
Pain: 16% (Nothing crazy today so down 4%)
Weight: 12 stone 7lb or 175 lb
Weight loss so far: 6lb (Wow 2 lb on today though I weighed myself after dinner)Food I would love today: Though I can now technically eat anything I want once a day when my elastics are removed, the food needs to be cut up tiny and swallowed with no chewing. If I could eat anything normally today it would be.......a big fresh cream bun...or two... from my local bakery.
After leaving Ashleigh back to work today after a week off , I was home alone again. I wasn't going to sit and watch TV all day so as soon as I got home I got stuck into filing my tax return. After getting that completed and posted, I went to the bank and then home to get a few things organised for work which I would love to start back into at some stage this week. I had soup and a milkshake for lunch and then cleaned the house, made dinner for Ashleigh and dinner for myself.
I don't know why, but for today's dinner I decided to have egg and onion and then tuna and onion. I probably wouldn't have this again as on their own these mixtures aren't great. Maybe bread would have helped. I think I was hoping all the protein would be good for me and I'm getting weird cravings. So after releasing my teeth from their tight little elastic chains, I proceeded to eat a bowl of each followed by a pot of apple flavoured Muller Rice. My mouth definitely opened wider today which is a good sign. I then cleaned my teeth, scraped a little more fur off my tongue and rinsed well with my mouthwash.
Not much more to tell you except that I think my left cheek (face) is still more swollen and tight than my right but hopefully as the swelling continues to go down this will improve and look more like my right face cheek! I'm also looking forward to see my surgeon again on Thursday. I haven't seen her in two weeks so it will be good to get a check up from her. I hope she doesn't mind me taking my elastics off once a day to eat but I'm only going by what my orthodontist told me I could do. I will feel better hearing it from my surgeon though.
Some sharp pains around my jaw at times today but I'm guessing that is only because my mouth has been open. Oh before I go just to let you know that I sneezed twice today for the first time in 18 days. It was either because of the dust I disturbed while cleaning or because in yesterday's post I had said that I hadn't sneezed since my operation. Anyway the sneeze contents blew out my nose which was quickly cleaned up with a tissue. All in all a quiet yet constructive day. Yawn, yawn.