Friday, 20 April 2012

Day 9: Out and About

Smiling and saying cheese: 35% (Beautiful day here, I'm alive and feeling good though being unable to open my mouth and eat is a big inconvenience)
Thanks Ashleigh for the photo
Pain: 35% (back down today after a better sleep. Tingling and pain in teeth is still a slight issue)

Weight: 12 stone 5lb or 173 lbs
Weight loss so far: 8lb (Oops, 1 more lb off)

Food I would love today: Has to be Ashleigh's mighty fine American door wedge sized pancakes with syrup and lemon juice with a big cup of tea. I haven't drank tea in at least a week. It has lost its appeal. I used to drink 4-5 cups a day!
I slept lying down a little more last night with the go ahead of my surgeon which helped my sleep and the extreme pressure that had been a nuisance was much better. I was still sore especially on my left cheek (that's my face cheek) but I had a drink of soluble tablets at approx midnight and then again at 4am which got me through to 7am. I have been dreaming quite a lot every night. I don't know if this is because of the whole experience or due to my medication but some haven't been so nice. I now don't dread going to bed at nights and can only see sleeping getting easier each day.

After side profile driving in our Renault Megane in Belfast.
Unfortunately, not a Dodge Charger
Before side profile driving in our Dodge Charger in USA

I dropped Ashleigh to work this morning in the car when she snapped my daily photo for today so thank you for that. I used to dislike my side photo taken in a car but I'm quite happy with this photo even though swelling isn't gone and it's still early days. As you can see I have short hair in my 'before' photo and longer hair in my 'after' photo. I don't know weather to get my hair cut short again or try a different hair style and grow my hair longer since I have a 'new look'. Ashleigh thinks I should get it cut but I'd love to hear your opinion by leaving me a comment.............tumbleweed rolling by..........waiting........ OK, your right, I know you don't really care and no, I probably wouldn't leave a comment either...
I 'm just glad your reading.

You may also notice that my nose has changed in the two photos above. My nose doesn't seem as protruding in the second photo though maybe turned up slightly at the end. Not in a  plastic surgery way but I think it's slightly different but I don't mind it thankfully. One of my worries about surgery was how I would look after and it's something that can't be predicted exactly so in a way you just gotta go with it. I looked at lots of other people's before and after pictures and everyone I saw looked better afterwards so hopefully my end result will.

Breakfast today
This next paragraph is information requested especially by a reader so here goes.... Breakfast consisted of a protein powder sachet called 'build up' mixed with frozen fruit, 2 bananas, milk, a squirt of honey, 1 scoop of ice cream and some milk shake flavouring. It was blended as shown above and then sieved into a jug and poured into my kiddie cup. I then had drinks of pineapple juice throughout the morning. I clean my teeth 4 times a day after I have something to eat( sorry I mean drink) I have a small plastic cup at the sink and I rinse with water first, then using my baby toothbrush and normal toothpaste I brush as much as I can reach. I then rinse with my medicated mouthwash and use tissue to clean up my face as it can be messy, especially at the start.

At first this was my front elastics only but by this morning I can brush most of my teeth as the swelling isn't as bad. I found that when I was able to lift my lips away from my gum there was a build up of white stuff on my gums which the surgeon said is a build up of everything I was drinking. As I don't feel so comfortable brushing my gums due to the stitches being there, I used a cotton bud (ear bud) and was able to remove most of it so there's a handy hint.

I had a small banana custard pot mixed with cream and milk as it was quite thick. Heated in the microwave and ate quickly after discovering I am 1lb lighter. For lunch it was potato and leek soup that my kind sister made and for dinner it was soup again. I had protein shakes in between but I do feel like I am starting to get hungry during the day. I went to a few shops near my home today which was good and people don't seem to notice unless I try talking and they don't really care or make a big deal which is good. I don't feel as bad going out since the swelling has gone down a little.

It was a lovely day so sat out in the garden drinking my soup in the sun. Easily pleased. My friend came around and we played ps3 again, I made Ashleigh her dinner which consisted of burgers, salad and potato cubes dressed in herbs and spices with mushrooms, onion and bacon all marinaded and all homemade. It smelt so so good, I suppose I could of blend it all together but I don't think I could stomach drinking all that. Sigh... Another good day and didn't require my afternoon nap so will hopefully sleep well tonight.


  1. Well I'll comment - I think your hair looks nice as it is now, a bit longer. Congrats on getting through the surgery. I'm just starting my journey, so I have a long way to go!

  2. Ash will give me a good shouting... But I agree with SharkAttack, keep it longer for a while. It really suits you! (I just cut my hair real short.. We should skype sometime!) When yous visit I'll show a picture of Mikie's hair from our engagement party. He had way TOO long hair back then. HAHA!

  3. Haha. Thanks shark attack and Anna. It's you 2 against Ashleigh so I'll keep it long at the minute!

  4. I cant belive the difference in your profile! it's amazing! Do you think you look any different? Can I ask how much you had your jaws moved/reduced?

  5. Yes I was shocked when I first saw myself but I'm getting used to it as the swelling goes down. My top jaw was moved up 4mm to reduce the amount of gum showing when I smile. My bottom jaw was moved 3mm to the left and I think my bottom jaw moved back and top jaw moved forward 3mm.
