Friday, 27 April 2012

Day 16: Soft food today... I think not

Smiling and saying cheese: 54% (Another big 2% because I saw the orthodontist and he was pleased with everything)
My new tweezers!

Pain: 25% (Up 5% due to achy jaw probably because I opened my mouth)

Weight: 12 stone 6lb or 174 lb
Weight loss so far: 7lb (Same again)

Food I would love today: Chips, gravy, onions and peas from the 'chippie'

Take two...why take two? Because I had typed out today's post, saved it regularly and all of the sudden the page went blank and the automatic saving feature of 'blogger' saved my blank page. So, back to the start of today's post which started with me waking up and looking forward to my appointment with my orthodontist.

After a breakfast smoothie and my best attempt at cleaning my teeth, Ashleigh and I headed across town to the school of dentistry at the Royal Hospital. For the first time ever I was running late for my orthodontic appointment so after some clever motoring manoeuvres by myself, quickly parking up and a light jog to the reception I arrived at exactly 9.45am. As I caught my breathe through my elasticated mouth, I sat in the waiting room only to discover that the shirt I was wearing had numerous stains from dinner that I had tried to drink unsuccessfully. Knowing that I was going under the dentist's spotlight I tried to hide the stains by turning over the shirt collars a little more.

Random side photo
Thankfully though as I sat down on the 'big chair' I was given my stylish protective glasses and a nice blue bib which covered the stains. And relax. My orthodontist was joined by two first year dental student armed with their pens and notepads. It was their first day 'watching on' and I was asked if I was happy for them to be there. Of course I don't mind, they are the surgeons of the future (yes, I said the future, so please don't come near me yet) There was also a higher qualified student who I like and has fixed my braces in the past so it was good seeing him with my new face which he thought turned out alright.

So there were four people in total plus a few dental nurses hanging around. After asking me how I was, what I was eating, where was I numb and those sort of questions, he showed the students some before photos and x rays and told them what my surgery had entailed. It was good as I was able to listen and learn too. Next, my elastics were pinged off and I was told to hold my mouth shut while he checked out some notes. It was quite hard not to open my mouth, I don't know why, maybe it was just an instinct to open it since it has been closed for 16 days.

 Anyway I held them closed until he asked me to open them. I did, it felt fine though a little strange but I relaxed as much as possible even though I did start to sweat. Yes all because I had to open my mouth. I feel insecure opening my mouth, like my lower jaw is going to fall off and slide down my already stained shirt. Thankfully it stayed attached and he proceeded to have a look inside and show the eager students were the cuts had been made and were my stitches are. After a few minutes I was re elasticated only this time I watched how it was done with the help of a mirror which I was given to hold.

I was told that I was now able to change my elastics once a day and while they are off I am able to try and eat some soft food. I really don't know how this will happen and sitting here at the minute I can't imagine ever eating food again. It just seems so difficult. I'm not allowed to chew so it will be a straight swallow. Before I left I was given a lot of elastics and a pair of large tweezers to aid me in the process of changing elastics as seen in my daily photo above. He was very happy with how everything was looking, which was encouraging and said my swelling was looking good too( I mean the lack of swelling) I left feeling like I had enriched those students lives and hope my face will remind them of their first day around a patient on a dentist chair. My little contribution to society.

After my appointment we had a look around some shops, and then headed home. After a tin of chicken and country vegetable soup (with the chicken and country vegetables sieved out) I required my 'nap'. After my nap I decided I was going to remove my elastics and have my first soft food meal of pasta and sauce. Or maybe not! I took off my elastics only to discover that my mouth doesn't open more than approx 1.5 inches. I could just stick out my tongue a little bit but there was no way I was going to stick any food in there yet.

I could just imagine choking on it and opening my jaw to wide and it getting stuck so I thought I won't risk it, I will blend it instead. My tongue looks like a moss green luxury carpet by the way. So I was a bit gutted that I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to eat, it is going to be a long process, especially eating. That bacon and cheeseburger I would love right now, it seems so far off into the future but I will have to take one tiny step at a time. For now I will continue with the liquid diet. If you are having a nice meal this weekend please savour every bite just for me. Eating is more than fuel for your body, it is an enjoyable experience that in the future I will appreciate all the more.


  1. Hi Johnny,
    It is funny that you say about savouring the food you are eating. I was enjoying a breakfast bacon and egg burger (homemade) this morning - considering my surgery in the not too distant future, and imagining myself in a situation not too different from yours - I found myself appreciating the act of being able to open my mouth wide enough to fit the burger in, and also the fact that I could chew. I also wondered how long it would take after the surgery to do this again. I now have a new found appreciation for the act of eating itself, not just the taste of what I am putting in my mouth. Consider every bite savoured as requested. :)

  2. Haha,
    Thanks for savouring those bites for me. I did a little savouring myself today. You can read about it on Day 17. Bacon and egg burger sounds good. I will have to add that to my 'foods to eat before I die' list.
